How Curiva is Transforming Women’s Health

Same-visit, non-invasive detection of cervical cancer

Early detection is our best defense against Cervical Cancer

Cervical cancer poses a significant threat to women’s health. Highly preventable, the CDC states that as many as 93% of cervical cancers could be prevented by routine screening and HPV vaccination. As part of the standard of gynecologic care, over 26M Pap smears are performed annually in the United States. Abnormal Pap smears lead to colposcopies or cervical biopsies to identify the presence of cancerous or precancerous cells. Less than 1 in 1,000 women referred for a colposcopy are found to have cervical cancer that requires immediate treatment.

Colposcopies and Pap smears are invasive and frequently inaccurate

The current diagnostic process for the detection of cervical cancer is far from perfect. Traditional methods are invasive and often lead to significant anxiety among patients. In fact, 64% of women report experiencing anxiety before these procedures. Research suggests that many women avoid gynecologic care altogether over the fear of pain. Causing additional stress, it can take up to two weeks to receive results from a Pap smear.

Alarmingly, the preeminent diagnostic method for cervical cancer isn’t always accurate. Approximately 45% of true positives are missed, which can delay crucial treatment for patients. The invasiveness, coupled with delayed and sometimes inaccurate results, showcases the urgent need for a better solution in cervical cancer detection.

Curiva’s Solution

Curiva is dedicated to transforming the way cervical cancer is diagnosed. Their premiere solution, the diaPatch™, is a non-invasive diagnostic patch that offers same-visit results with higher accuracy. In development by world-class experts, this innovative product leverages microneedles and a novel assay to detect cervical cancer biomarkers with high sensitivity and specificity.

The diaPatch™ provides several distinct advantages over traditional Pap smears and colposcopies. The patch is non-invasive, utilizing microneedles to extract liquid biopsy samples, making the procedure painless and anxiety-free. It also has a higher sensitivity, significantly reducing the likelihood of false negatives compared to the 55.4% sensitivity of Pap smears. The diaPatch™ provides faster results and achieves a higher accuracy, ensuring fewer false positives compared to Pap smears.

Additionally, the diaPatch™ seamlessly integrates into modern healthcare practices. It streamlines workflows for providers and enhances patient compliance through its companion app, the ELLEApp™. This app provides results to both the provider and the patient, offers reminders to support patient compliance, integrates with electronic health records (EHRs), and facilitates follow-ups or referrals.

For more information about Curiva, visit and follow them on LinkedIn

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