How KnowBra is Transforming Women’s Health

AI and Computer Vision for Post-Mastectomy Bra Fitting

Bra fitting poses unique challenges for women post-mastectomy 

Approximately 300K women will be diagnosed with breast cancer in the US every year. More than 100,000 women undergo some form of mastectomy each year in the US. There are currently over 3.8 million women with a history of breast cancer in the US. And while there's training and certification available for the role of mastectomy fitter, the need far surpasses the number of certified fitters and in-person retail stores are few and far between.  

Post-mastectomy bra fitting poses unique challenges for women who have undergone mastectomy surgery. These challenges include finding bras that accommodate altered breast shape and size, provide comfort for sensitive skin, and support prostheses or reconstructed breasts. Emotional and body image concerns, limited availability of specialized bras, and a lack of expertise among bra fitters further complicate the fitting process.

KnowBra’s Solution

In a world where innovation and compassion intersect, KnowBra founder, Brittney Gray emerges as a beacon of hope for breast cancer survivors. As a licensed mastectomy bra fitter, breast cancer conqueror, and the visionary founder of KnowBra Inc., Brittney is on a mission to revolutionize post-mastectomy care.

KnowBra uses AI and computer vision for post-mastectomy bra fitting. The platform automates insurance claims and offers zero-touch fittings. KnowBra's solution reduces discomfort, boosts confidence, and guarantees a proper fit.

KnowBra was awarded sponsorship through Guidea’s Femovate program for ‘23-’24.

As part of the Femovate sponsorship, designers at Guidea will work closely with Brittney to design the platform for virtual fittings.

For more information about KnowBra, visit and follow them on LinkedIn

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